Friday, June 13, 2008

May 28, 2008

What’s going on? Funny how whenever I want to sit down and write my thoughts I’m never in the right place. The time is always right and that’s why I’m here. Today I went to the doctor and had an EMG test done. The results: carpal tunnel in my right wrist. Sometimes the question “why?” arises. But that’s not what God cares about. I’m not about to sit down and try to put myself in God’s mind. But it’s always crucial to see things from His perspective at the same time. At least, physically I’m not too terribly worried. But it’s there and for the next couple months a splint will have to be dealt with. This will hinder the golf possibilities upon arrival in SA in 6 days.

The thought of leaving isn’t one that necessarily scares me. In fact, I’m more than ready to get out of here and jump into a new culture. It will help me to appreciate my family and ‘home’ life more. Anxiety is welling up in my almost to the point of overflow. My family understands that it’s time to let loose and see new developments in each and every one of us. There’s no reason to stay stuck in the past whilst the future awaits. God and change. Can one be more sure of any two other things in this life? Perhaps not. Or for me... definitely not. I’m ready, here I am, send me!

The OC. Good gravy! I can’t believe how much time and effort was put into making that TV show so addictive. Truly it’s something that creates an odd sense of angst. I feel like I should be a part of their lives and have a say in what happens but because I don’t I know that it’s just pulling me in to watch more and see what the final result is. Extreme drama. I like it but it’s not something to dwell on. I can’t stand television and the only reason this came up is because of Maggie and her DVD set.
“You have to watch at least one episode and then you’ll be hooked.”
True that statement. Darin and I (an amazing 6 day stint) stayed up and had an 8 hour marathon of the OC Season Three. Outrageous? To say the least. . . Thank you God for keeping me hooked on you. Just help me to stay with you first and foremost all of the time.

Well, I’ll get back to my thoughts later. For now I need to write a sermon for my final Sunday in Monroe. I think it shall be on the fragrance of action. I know God wants me to smell good . . . but how do we think we should smell?

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