Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Alas, we come to it again...

Sadly, I find myself apologizing again. Please, don't come to me with notes of "it's okay, you're fine" when I know I'm not. There is a responsibility on my part to keep up with what I say and I what I owe to others. My life...

It was my intention to write a daily post while I was here, even if it was just a sentence or two. Guess how long it's been since I updated my blog?

. . . 62 DAYS . . .

Ugh...I'm insulted Tyler. Who are you? Well, I'm here to tell you I have failed, but I've gotten back up and only by the grace of God am I considered to be a man.

Help me, Lord, to type, speak, walk in a manner that is something remotely close to how Jesus did. I'll never be at the point of confidently saying I am a reflection of Christ. But, that's the beauty of grace. It's more that sufficient and it makes life unfair. Thank you for tipping the scale and showing me love when I needed it, and didn't deserve it, most.
All glory be to You and never to us. Humble us in drastic ways, strengthen us through the word, prayer, nature, people and whatever means you know will grow us. Thank you for EvErYtHiNg!