Thursday, December 22, 2011


Midnight - Watch Priest on my laptop in the dark at a large church. 2:30 AM - Eat mashed potatoes and chicken leg. 3:00 AM to almost 5:00 AM - rest in my mind. 5:30 AM to 7:15 AM - orchestrate exit of said large church. 8:15 AM - leave work. 9:00 AM - eat sweet & sour chicken with rice and extra sauce. Watch The Mechanic (Jason Statham doing that destroy everyone thing) 11:15 AM - see Jeffrey off before he heads back to the East coast for Christmas. 11:45 AM - return home and eat more Chinese food while starting Priest. NOW - doing something productive, maybe even sleep, and then something entertaining. Today WILL be a good day. Can you feel it? Only days until Christmas so get your JOY on! I hope that you all have glorious, and I mean GLORY-YES, holidays!

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