Monday, July 7, 2008

Ridiculous Ketchup!

Well, here goes nothing. This will probably be the most outrageously long blog post in my history thus far. I haven't written in over two weeks and for that I apologize. It's been hectic but you should know what's happening in my life. There's so much to tell and so much I'd like to write and yet words will never be enough to do justice to the experiences I have had since I've arrived here in PE, South Africa.

Allow me to begin with where I left off. Joey, Johnathan and Logan had moved out of the house in Summerstrand. Well, now everyone is moved out of the house in Summerstrand. no one resides at 44 Southport anymore. Lindsay and Carolyne live together in Humewood close to where Joey, Johnathan and Logan reside. Brittney, Liz live with the girls on my team. Neysia, Diana, Tara, and Sasha share that house with Liz and Brittney in Mount Croix. So that leaves Mike and I. We live in Lorraine, a good 15 minutes from anyone. It has it's pros and cons. It's nice to be able to go home and have space. But it presents the petrol issue with seeing everyone regularly. I have to say God really provided this cottage. It's fully furnished and has extra room if someone needs a bed to sleep in. There's plenty of space to have people over and have a good time. I love it.

The car that sits in the driveway is pretty nice too. It's small and economical which is exactly what we need. It's a 1997, white Opel Corsa. It's got a radio, four doors, tyres, a boot, and doesn't burn oil. What a perk! If anyone ever comes to visit they may get the privilege of a ride. But only if they ask nicely.

Here's where I cover all of the things that haven't been discussed yet. Like daily life, team issues, Ken and Judy, Fairview Church, aunties and uncles, friends, foes, and spirituality. It's glorious having these things in my life. I cherish everyday I have. Sometimes it's hard to keep focused, but whose fault is that? Mine. I have to take responsibility for my actions. Reality checks, they happen often. If they didn't, where would we be? Well, I am going to renig on my introductory statement and cut this into two, possibly three, blog posts. But for now I must return the movies we rented for guys night to Mr. Video. And Kuda is over with me and he looks bored watching Kingdom of Heaven while I blog. So, see you soon... or rather, you'll be reading me soon.

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