Friday, July 25, 2008

A bried synopsis of the day...

This morning we all met at Ken and Judy's, combined cars and drove over to Missionvale to the Celebration of Madiba's 90th Birthday. It was an experience and I enjoyed it wholly. It was obvious the ANC was hosting. Potential future president Jacob Zuma made an appearance at the end and spoke briefly. I have to say, from a personal perspective, the highlight of the event was when Christine, a thirteen year old girl from Hellenvale, sang a couple songs and blew everyone away. The sound that came from that little body didn't seem real. It was beautiful. Afterwards Joey and I took a picture with her. We plan on visiting the school she attends next week to deliver the picture and see if we can help with some vocal opportunities for her...

Other than that, Mike and I ran over a duck on the way home... twice...

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