Monday, July 14, 2008

Continuing the story...

I've come to realize the commitment I've made by setting up this blog. You, as the reader, expect things to read. And I, as the writer, should be continually coming up with fresh posts. There's just so much to say. Here's another tidbit.

Last week I spent the latter part painting at the school Joey and Carolyne work with (Island Forest). Despite what some may say, even water-based paints are ridiculously aggravating to get out of one's hair. I personally did not experience this, but Carolyne did. I hold no position on who's fault it was either. It was nice to do some physical work. Painting isn't the most vigorous of activities but it really felt like I was accomplishing something. It's been Joey and Carolyne's pet project to paint and "renovate", on a minor scale, the school. I see the work they've done there and how much of themselves they've invested into the children, teachers, and buildings that it saddens me to know they'll be leaving. Then I come to the reality that I'm not here for that long. And this makes me want to dig in. If there's only so much time, then the effort put into that time must be intense. To utilize one of my father's fad words before I left, BALANCE. Where do we find it? How do we apply it?

I'm learning.

Our team. Now before I say anything I'd like to say that anything I say will strictly be issues from my perspective and are subject to change and develop. I'm not going to reveal anything about people's personal feelings or views that would be potential gossip. That being said I would like to tell you about each and everyone of my teammates.
Starting with the girls:
Neysia: The oldest member of our team. She brings a sense of reality and strength to situations. I admire her strong study habits and sense of fun.
Diana: A true servant. She's always doing something behind the scenes and constantly shuffling towards those unclean dishes that need to be done. I admire her humble outlook on life and modest gestures.
Tara: Filled with thoughts, she brings a new perspective to certain situations. I admire her views and knowledge filled comments.
Sasha: She's got flare and is willing to step out boldly in any situation. I admire her ability to stay true to herself and look for the good in things.

Now I come to Mike. I must tell you about Mike. He's a man I've come to admire so much more than I thought I would. When deciding on who 'I' would like on my team, God considered Mike, and I didn't. Not because we didn't get along or because we didn't click, we just had different interests and never really hung out much. But being his roommate and comrade, I've come to learn that our personal interests aren't so different. We both enjoy the nerdy side of life, and are both eager to be led. I see in Mike a warrior attitude. He would like to pursue Christian video-game making. I think there's so much potential there. His ideas are bold and original. In many circumstances I find myself talking with Mike about how we would react as soldiers, or knights, or Spartans. It's fun, and it also brings a spiritual focus to the table. When we get off on these tangents, I think of how we should be warriors with a purpose. Mike is funny, jovial, and willing to talk. Oh how we've laughed since being here. Never saw it coming, can't imagine it going. That's how it is between Mike and I.

Now I must move on to tell you one of my fears. God has shown me a lot about myself lately and I've seen something on our team that could be potentially dangerous. Since Mike and I live a ways from the girls, and the other teammates, it's not always going to be easy to just "pop in" and say hey. I don't want us to become a team of girls, and a team of guys. We will all go our own directions, whether that be alongside another or not, but Mike and I both know that it's not healthy to just do our own thing. I haven't always had the most optimistic outlook on this situation. In fact, I've embraced the idea a couple times and thought how "Nice it would be!". Oh how that's not right. I would like to petition to anyone reading this to pray for unity. It's a simple prayer. It's so very necessary though. The affects of a division would difficult to correct. Thank you for listening, praying, and considering.

On a lighter note. Mike got a gym membership and I get to go a week for free as his guest. It's nice. The facility is clean, and open. I quite enjoyed myself. I feel as though I'm on the upward swing, physically. Felt so good to run, lift, and take a hot shower. I encourage anyone willing to go to the gym. It's healthy, fun, and relieving.

And now I must bid you well. Enjoy the given...

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