Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mild regrets...

One of the nice things about being back in WI is the twenty minute drive between Honeywind Farm (my parents house) and Monroe. It's just enough time to mull over the upcoming events, people I need to contact, and possibly job opportunities before arriving at my destination. I say this to say I have thought about one of my mild regrets about my time in South Africa:

Not keeping up with my blog. Now, this is an ironic statement considering my publicizing of this feeling is coming from a blog entry. That's fine by me, though. For all of those people who wanted to follow the daily grind of my South African experience, I sincerely apologize for not keying you in on everything. Someone made a good point, instead of wanting or trying to put something profound up, just a few paragraphs about what I did that day would have been really nice for those back in the states to see. Unfortunately, I failed in this respect.

What's done is done. I've learned from it. Hopefully there will be minimal regrets like this in the future. One of the biggest life-lessons I learned while being away was the DEEPLY important necessity of communication! Never stop communicating...

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